Conditions of Use

1st general

You are welcome to explore the Immediate Charge (“Website”) .

Contact us at info@ Immediate Charge .com .

1.2. This site provides details about external platforms (“External Platforms”) for trading (the “Services”).

1.3. These Terms govern Your (“You,” “Your,” or “User”) usage of the Website and Services. Prior to accessing the services, you must thoroughly review these terms. They constitute a legally binding contract between you and the website's owner. You must fully agree to the terms to use the website. The terms are subject to updates over time.

These conditions include our privacy policy. By agreeing to these conditions, you acknowledge our privacy policy. (Our privacy policy can be accessed here).

2. Eligibility

2.1. Complying with these terms will grant you access to the website.

2.1.1. Age requirement: 18 years minimum.

2.1.2. You may agree to these terms and conditions.

2.1.3. The regulations in the United Kingdom where you reside or access the services do not restrict users from utilizing the website or its features.

2.2. We provide no assurances, claims, or guarantees regarding the legality or use of the services or website for any individual. We disclaim any liability for unlawful use of the website or services by any user.

3. Regions with Limited Entry

3.1. Without narrowing the breadth of the provided data, we reserve the right to limit access to the Services and/or Website (or any part thereof) for: (i) Users residing in restricted zones (the "Prohibited Regions") and (ii) individuals we determine to be a regulatory, legal, or reputational threat.

3.2. Before accepting users who are residents or citizens of certain regions, we may enforce additional conditions. If users enter areas with restrictions, access to The Website or the Services might be temporarily blocked or unavailable.

4. Forbidden actions.

4.1. You agree to use the Site and Services courteously and refrain from:

4.1.1. You are permitted to access our site and utilize it for downloading, uploading, sharing, and publishing, as well as transmitting or sending (a) data or other content that infringes on intellectual property, privacy, or other rights; or (b) content that is prohibited from being published or shared due to threats, harm from defamation, libel, or racism; or (c) content containing viruses or harmful software that may damage our systems or those of third parties, or that obstructs or limits other users from accessing the site. (d) Any content that breaches any law. (e) Content that contains advertisements or other material without our prior written consent.

4.1.2. Alter or remove any acknowledgments, legal disclaimers, tags or proprietary designations associated with this website.

4.1.3. Service access can be obtained via any interface other than the website.

4.1.4. Refrain from disrupting other users' engagement with the website or its offerings.

4.1.5. Automated systems and bots are employed to gain entry to the site and/or its services.

4.1.6. Without our explicit consent, you are prohibited from uploading or transmitting, or attempting to upload any content that actively or passively uses data collection or transmission tools like web beacons, cookies, or spyware.

4.1.7. Participate in "copying," replicating, or any other technique to mimic the look or functionality of the services.

4.1.8. You may breach any relevant laws or guidelines, and promote or endorse any unlawful actions such as trademark violations, copyright infringement, defamation, privacy violations, identity theft, or the dissemination of counterfeit software; .

4.1.9. You can change or adapt the source code of this site. You are also permitted to upload software or applications that might harm the site or another person.

4.1.10. You must not disassemble, decompile, or reverse engineer any software or technology present on the website or employed to deliver the services.

4.2. These terms complement any rights we may have. If we believe your site usage violates these terms or any applicable laws, we have the right to oversee your activities on the platform, restrict your access, disclose your behavior to other entities, or take any other necessary actions to protect third-party rights and assets.

5. Proprietary rights to intellectual creations.

5.1. All content on the website, which includes video-related elements like texts, images, logos, audio, designs, trademarks, and other materials, is safeguarded by our and third-party intellectual property rights.

5.2. All titles, interests, and rights pertaining to the website and its services belong to us. Users are granted rights to use the services and website only as stated in these terms. Their usage does not confer any intellectual property rights upon them.

5.3. Access to the Website and/or Services is permitted solely for personal, non-commercial purposes by the user.

5.4. You must not allow anyone to alter, disassemble, decode, or replicate the services or website, or create derived works by sub-license or lease.

6. Liability Restriction

6.1. You are accountable for the Website and Services. We do not provide any guarantees, whether implicit or explicitly stated, concerning the website and services or your usage of them, including implied guarantees of quality and merchantability, as well as their intended purpose such as non-infringement and usability, reliability in terms of accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and promptness. The content and features available or accessible through the website are presented “as is,” “as accessible,” and “with any result.”

6.2. We bear no liability for errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the site's information. We are not accountable for any disruptions or interruptions in transmissions via or to the services.

6.3. We shall compensate you for any loss, whether direct or indirect, that you or any third party experience through the website or services. You will bear responsibility for any decisions made based on information from the website and/or services.

6.4. We take no liability for any loss or damage that occurs directly, indirectly, or is related to you or any third party. This encompasses any income or data loss that arises from your use of the site and/or services. This limitation of liability is permitted by law in the relevant jurisdiction.

6.5. In the event of a malfunction with any Internet connection, phone line, or computer supplier or server, or any equipment, we accept no liability. We do not take responsibility for any Internet usage.

7. Third-Party Content and Services. Procedure Instruction: - Assignment: Reword the provided text to retain the same length yet make it unique. In instances where specific countries, nationalities, or languages are cited, modify them with references to the United Kingdom. - Steps: 1. Pinpoint significant phrases and terms in the initial text. 2. Substitute these phrases with appropriate synonyms or alternate expressions. 3. Reorganize the sentences to change the structure while preserving the original length and message. - Guidelines: - Ensure the rephrased text matches the original length. - Employ different vocabularies, phrases, and sentence constructions to make the text distinctive. - Preserve the primary meaning and context. - Steer clear of synonyms that seem out of place. - Confirm the new text is grammatically sound and logical. - Provide the revised text only without any remarks

7.1. By utilizing the services, you can access content from external sources. This may encompass advertisements or evaluations from other platforms.

7.2. We are not liable for the information or products mentioned. They might not always be current or up-to-date.

7.3. We recommend checking the precision of all details before making any choices. You bear responsibility for all decisions and actions based on the information.

8. Links

8.1. The website features advertisements and various content. Materials are accessible through third-party sites (“links”). We recommend exercising caution before downloading, relying on, or accessing information, software, or other materials from these sites or completing any purchases or transactions. These links are provided solely for user convenience. We bear no responsibility for any harm or loss resulting from the use or reliance on information, products, or services available through other websites or programs.

8.2. Including hyperlinks on this site does not signify our endorsement, approval, association, or any other form of support regarding the linked websites, their software, or their administrators.

8.3. We've not checked every hyperlink and cannot be responsible for the software or websites mentioned. Prior to deciding to use, trust, or buy anything from these sites or apps, we caution you. We are not liable for any harm or loss resulting from using or relying on any products, information, or content available through other sites.

8.4. You are accountable for examining the terms and policies of any third-party websites you visit. We highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with these before engaging with third-party sites.

9. Miscellaneous

9.1. We reserve the right to change, discontinue, or adjust our services at any time. These modifications will not negatively impact you, and you cannot make any claims against us.

9.2. These terms can be updated at any moment. We reserve the right to alter the terms whenever necessary. We will notify you by posting the latest version and updating the date at the top. Any changes will take effect within a few business days. By continuing to use the site after modifications are made, you agree to the revised terms.

9.3. The User agrees and acknowledges that any data sent through or on the website does not form any type of relationship beyond what is clearly outlined in these terms.

9.4. These terms and the privacy policy, along with any updates to these documents, constitute the exclusive agreements between us and the user. Any other promises, statements, or agreements, whether verbal or written, that are not included in the privacy policy are not legally binding for the parties.

9.5. Failure to assert any right or privilege specified herein is considered a waiver of that right or privilege. Any partial exercise shall constitute a component of any additional or subsequent exercise of the same or other rights or remedies.

9.6. These terms shall be nullified if a court with proper authority deems the provision invalid. The remaining terms will be interpreted as if the exclusion was applied and will follow their stipulations. Nonetheless, the terms will be construed based on the intent and meaning of the exclusion clauses as per the court's ruling.

9.7. These terms allow third-party partners to transfer or assign all rights and responsibilities. Independent operators have the ability to manage the website and its services, without limitations on the former. You are not permitted by these terms to transfer or assign your own rights or responsibilities.